Elevator Etiquette: Take the Quiz!

Elevators are small, shared spaces where good manners make a big difference. Knowing how to behave in an elevator can improve both your experience and that of those around you. From waiting your turn to enter, respecting personal space, and exiting promptly, small actions reflect a big understanding of proper etiquette. Politeness in such confined settings can reduce awkwardness and discomfort for everyone involved. 

Are you mindful of others while riding an elevator? Take this quiz to discover whether your elevator habits elevate you to a gold standard of etiquette or leave room for improvement!

Elevator Etiquette Quiz

Elevator Etiquette Quiz

1) When you enter an elevator that's already occupied, what should you do first?

  • A) Immediately press the button for your floor.
  • B) Greet everyone inside.
  • C) Check if anyone needs to exit before you enter.
  • D) Stand in the middle of the elevator.

2) How should you position yourself in relation to others in the elevator?

  • A) Stand directly in front of the door.
  • B) Stand as close to others as possible.
  • C) Try to distribute evenly around the space, giving others room.
  • D) Lean against the walls or sit if there's a bench.

3) If the elevator is crowded, what's the best practice?

  • A) Shout your floor number so everyone can hear.
  • B) Push through to get closer to the control panel.
  • C) Wait for your floor to come up if someone else is operating the buttons.
  • D) Use your elbows to claim space.

4) What should you do if you're holding something large like a bike or a ladder?

  • A) Bring it in and let it take up as much space as needed.
  • B) Try to hold it in a way that minimizes obstruction.
  • C) Tell everyone to get out until you exit.
  • D) Leave it outside regardless of the weather.

5) How should you handle a long phone call while in an elevator?

  • A) Keep talking at normal volume.
  • B) Try to end the call or speak very quietly.
  • C) Put it on speakerphone so everyone can hear.
  • D) Sing your conversation.

6) What's the etiquette if you need to exit but your floor is not next?

  • A) Push everyone out of the way to reach the door.
  • B) Politely say "excuse me" and move towards the door.
  • C) Wait for your floor to come up again.
  • D) Jump out at any floor and walk back.

7) When should you press the "door close" button if available?

  • A) Immediately after you enter, regardless of others.
  • B) Only if you see no one is coming or getting off.
  • C) Never, it's rude.
  • D) After you've counted to ten.

8) What's appropriate if someone else is holding the door for you?

  • A) Take your time, they can wait.
  • B) Hurry, but thank them for holding it.
  • C) Ignore them and let the door close.
  • D) Enter slowly while checking your phone.

9) How should you react if the elevator gets stuck?

  • A) Panic and scream for help immediately.
  • B) Use the emergency button and stay calm.
  • C) Try to pry the doors open with your hands.
  • D) Start a sing-along to calm nerves.

10) What's the best behaviour for when you exit the elevator?

  • A) Push past everyone to get out first.
  • B) Exit without acknowledgment or thanks.
  • C) Say "thank you" or nod in acknowledgment if someone held the door.
  • D) Run out as fast as possible.

Correct Answers:


  1. C - Check if anyone needs to exit before you enter.
  2. C - Try to distribute evenly around the space, giving others room.
  3. C - Wait for your floor to come up if someone else is operating the buttons.
  4. B - Try to hold it in a way that minimizes obstruction.
  5. B - Try to end the call or speak very quietly.
  6. B - Politely say "excuse me" and move towards the door.
  7. B - Only if you see no one is coming or getting off.
  8. B - Hurry, but thank them for holding it.
  9. B - Use the emergency button and stay calm.
  10. C - Say "thank you" or nod in acknowledgment if someone held the door.

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