How to Spot A Liar

Imagine ... you are sitting across from a mate who’s just told you the most outrageous story about why they couldn’t make it to your birthday drinks last night. Their dog ate their car keys. Then their neighbour’s cat went missing, and they had to spend all night searching for it in the pouring rain. And just as they were about to leave, their phone mysteriously died. Sounds a bit dodgy, right? Something in your gut is telling you they’re lying. But how do you know for sure? Welcome to the art of detecting deception. Let’s talk about how to spot a liar.

The Subtle Signs of a Liar

People lie for all sorts of reasons—sometimes to protect themselves, sometimes to avoid hurting someone else, and other times just because they enjoy spinning a good yarn. But no matter how good a liar someone is, there are always little signs that give them away.

  1. Inconsistent Stories – If they tell you one thing on Monday and then a slightly different version on Wednesday, they’re probably making it up as they go. Ask them for details, and you’ll often catch them tripping over their own words.

  2. Too Many Details – Over-explaining is a classic sign of lying. If someone is pouring out every tiny, irrelevant detail about what they were doing at 8:03 p.m. on Saturday night, it might be because they’re trying too hard to sound believable.

  3. Avoiding Eye Contact—or Too Much of It – Some liars can’t meet your eyes, while others will stare you down in an attempt to overcompensate. If their eye contact is unusually intense or, conversely, non-existent, you might be onto something.

  4. Fidgeting and Nervous Ticks – Playing with their hair, tapping their foot, or constantly adjusting their clothes can all be subconscious indicators that they’re feeling uneasy. Of course, some people are naturally fidgety, but if the nervous behaviour is new, take note.

  5. Pauses and Hesitations – If someone takes long pauses before answering or repeats your question back to you (“Wait, what day did I say I was at the cinema?”), they might be buying time to construct their lie.

  6. Defensive Behaviour – Liars often get overly defensive when questioned. If you casually ask, “So, who were you with last night?” and they suddenly snap, “Why do you even care?”—well, that’s a red flag.

  7. Microexpressions – These are tiny facial expressions that flash for a fraction of a second before the liar has time to control them. A quick flicker of fear, anger, or guilt can sometimes betray the truth.

  8. Sudden Voice Changes – If their pitch goes up, their tone gets shaky, or their voice cracks, they might be feeling the pressure of keeping up with their lie.

  9. Touching Their Face – Rubbing their nose, covering their mouth, or scratching their neck excessively can be physical signs of deception.

  10. Unnecessary Reassurances – If they keep saying, “I swear to God,” or “Trust me,” it might be because they know their words alone aren’t convincing enough.

  11. Odd Body Language – Watch out for unnatural stiffness or exaggerated gestures that don’t match their words.

  12. Delayed Responses – If it takes them too long to answer simple questions, they might be mentally crafting their lie before they speak.

  13. Speaking in Fragments – Instead of full sentences, liars sometimes use disjointed or vague speech to avoid commitment to details.

  14. Contradictions in Statements – If they slip up and say something that contradicts an earlier statement, you’ve caught them red-handed.

  15. Lack of Emotion or Overacting – Some liars try to downplay serious situations, while others might overcompensate by acting overly dramatic.

Counter Questions to Unmask a Liar

If you suspect someone is lying but don’t want to accuse them outright, try throwing in some well-placed counter questions:

  • “Can you tell me that again?” – If their story changes, you’ve caught them.

  • “Oh, that’s interesting—what did you say their name was again?” – Details matter. If they fumble, they might be making it up.

  • “What happened next?” – Liars sometimes struggle with keeping their story consistent when asked to elaborate.

  • “That’s mad! What did [insert mutual friend] think about it?” – If they’re making it up, they might not have thought about this angle.

These questions force the liar to think on their feet, and more often than not, they’ll slip up.

Lies in the Online World

Lying isn’t just something that happens in person—it’s rampant in the online world, too. Social media, in particular, is a breeding ground for deception. Ever seen an account with thousands of followers but barely any likes, comments, or shares? That’s a red flag. 

Some people buy fake followers or YouTube subscribers, but the deception becomes obvious when their engagement doesn’t match up. For example, a YouTuber might claim to have 100,000 subscribers, but their videos only get a few hundred views—clearly, something isn’t right. Only insiders or platform moderators can truly verify whether these figures are real or artificially inflated, and it’s no wonder that accounts engaging in fraudulent activity sometimes get banned. So, don’t be too easily impressed by big numbers—online popularity isn’t always what it seems. 

Not only should you be cautious about what you believe online, but you should also resist the temptation to fake it yourself. Buying fake followers or subscribers might seem like a shortcut to success, but would you really feel proud of that? Knowing that your numbers are artificially inflated—wouldn’t that feel hollow? Real growth comes from genuine engagement, not from bots and fake accounts. And when people catch on (because they will), your credibility will take a massive hit.

Famous Lies That Got Caught

Lying isn’t just a problem for your dodgy ex or that workmate who “forgot” to send the email. Even celebrities—people with all the resources to craft a flawless lie—get caught out. Here are a few famous fibbers who should’ve read this guide on how to spot a liar.

  1. Lance Armstrong – The world-famous cyclist spent years vehemently denying he had ever used performance-enhancing drugs. He looked straight into cameras and swore blind that he was clean. Then, in 2013, he finally admitted to Oprah Winfrey that he had been doping the entire time.

  2. Rebecca Loos & The Beckham Affair – David Beckham’s alleged affair with Rebecca Loos was one of the biggest scandals of the early 2000s. While Beckham denied everything, Loos gave detailed interviews about their supposed time together. The jury’s still out on who was lying, but the inconsistencies in both accounts made people suspicious.

  3. The ‘Traitors’ Show Shockers – If you’ve watched "The Traitors", you’ll know it’s a masterclass in deception. Contestants have to lie their way to the end, but the best ones are the ones who can keep their stories straight under pressure. A few, however, have been caught out when their alibis didn’t quite add up!

When Not to Accuse Someone of Lying

Now, before you go around accusing every friend, colleague, and family member of being a liar, keep in mind that some people are just naturally awkward or bad at recalling details. Not everyone who avoids eye contact is lying—some are just shy. And not everyone who over-explains is deceptive—some people just love talking.

If you suspect someone is lying, consider the context. Is it a white lie meant to spare your feelings? Or is it something more serious? If it’s the latter, asking a few strategic questions can help you figure out whether you’re being played.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to spot a liar isn’t about becoming a human lie detector (though that would be handy). It’s about paying attention to the subtle signs, asking the right questions, and trusting your instincts. Whether it’s a mate spinning a dodgy story or a high-profile scandal playing out in the media, the truth almost always finds a way out in the end.

So next time someone gives you a story that sounds too good (or too bizarre) to be true, keep an eye out for the signs, throw in a well-placed counter question, and remember: the truth has a funny way of revealing itself.

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