Wine Etiquette: Take the Quiz!

Enjoying wine is as much about appreciation as it is about etiquette. Knowing how to hold a glass, when to taste, and the basics of pairing wine with food shows sophistication and knowledge. Whether you’re at a formal dinner or a casual gathering, your approach to wine can leave an impression. 


Are you confident in your wine etiquette skills, or do you find yourself second-guessing? Take this quiz to uncork your knowledge and see if you’re a true wine connoisseur!


1) What’s the polite way to order wine at a restaurant when you’re unsure about the options?


A) Ask for the cheapest wine on the list

B) Request the sommelier’s advice

C) Randomly pick based on the label

D) Ask your server to choose for you



2) You’re invited to dinner and want to bring wine as a gift. What’s the best approach?


A) Bring a bottle and insist it must be served at dinner

B) Ask the host what type of wine they prefer

C) Bring an expensive wine without consulting the host

D) Don’t bring wine; assume they’ll have enough



3) If you’re serving white wine, what’s the correct temperature for it?


A) Ice-cold from the freezer

B) Room temperature

C) Slightly chilled

D) Warmed slightly before serving



4) When tasting wine at a restaurant, how should you respond if it smells or tastes "off"?


A) Pretend it’s fine and drink it
B) Quietly inform the sommelier or server
C) Dramatically declare it’s awful to the whole table
D) Ask for the wine to be replaced without tasting it



5) What’s the correct way to hold a wine glass?


A) By the bowl
B) By the stem
C) By the rim
D) However you like



6) What’s considered poor etiquette when pouring wine for others?


A) Filling their glass halfway
B) Pouring too much, nearly to the rim
C) Asking if they’d like more before pouring
D) Pouring for everyone before yourself



7) Which wine pairs best with a classic British Sunday roast?


A) Sauvignon Blanc

B) Pinot Noir

C) Merlot

D) Champagne



8) You’re at a wine tasting event. What’s the appropriate way to sample multiple wines?


A) Drink every sample in full
B) Spit out after tasting
C) Mix wines to save time
D) Skip the spitting and pour out any excess



9) If you’re gifting wine, what’s a thoughtful addition to include?


A) A card explaining why you chose it
B) A wine opener
C) Food pairings that complement it
D) All of the above



10) When bringing wine to a friend’s house for dinner, what’s the etiquette?


A) Assume they’ll serve it with dinner
B) Let the host decide whether to serve it
C) Open it without asking
D) Leave it unopened as a gift



11) How long can an opened bottle of red wine typically last?


A) 1 day
B) 3–5 days
C) 1 week
D) A month



12) What’s the purpose of decanting wine?


A) To improve presentation
B) To let the wine breathe and remove sediment
C) To chill it faster
D) To mix it with other wines



13) If someone offers to share their vintage wine collection, how should you respond?


A) Accept gratefully, regardless of your knowledge of wine
B) Critique their collection
C) Offer to bring snacks in return
D) Request a specific bottle from their collection



14) Which of these is a faux pas when tasting wine?


A) Swirling it in the glass
B) Sniffing the aroma
C) Adding ice cubes
D) Sipping slowly



15) What’s the correct way to pour sparkling wine?


A) Tilt the glass and pour slowly
B) Pour straight into the glass to create a large foam head
C) Shake the bottle first for dramatic effect
D) Fill the glass to the brim immediately




16) What wine pairs well with fish and chips?


A) Chardonnay
B) Shiraz
C) Riesling
D) Malbec



17) If wine spills at a dinner party, what’s the polite thing to do?


A) Blame someone else
B) Offer to clean it up immediately
C) Wait for the host to clean it
D) Ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen



18) When tasting wine, what’s the first thing you should do?


A) Take a large sip
B) Smell the wine
C) Shake the bottle
D) Swirl it aggressively



19) You’re hosting a dinner party. How many glasses of wine per person should you plan for?


A) 1 glass
B) 2 glasses
C) 3–4 glasses
D) Unlimited



20) Which wine is traditionally served with dessert?


A) Sauvignon Blanc
B) Port
C) Pinot Grigio
D) Shiraz




21) What’s the best way to transport wine to avoid spoilage?


A) Leave it in your car overnight
B) Store it upright in a cool place
C) Lay it flat in a warm area
D) Shake it thoroughly before travelling



22) You’re at a wedding and the wine is being poured for a toast. What’s proper etiquette?


A) Take a sip before the toast is made
B) Wait for the host to toast first
C) Decline the wine if you don’t drink
D) All of the above



23) Which wine works well with a traditional Christmas turkey?


A) Zinfandel
B) Riesling
C) Pinot Noir
D) Cabernet Sauvignon



24) What’s a subtle way to indicate you don’t want any more wine?


A) Cover your glass with your hand
B) Say “No, thank you”
C) Leave your glass mostly full
D) Any of the above



25) Which glass is appropriate for red wine?


A) A flute
B) A wide bowl-shaped glass
C) A tumbler
D) A martini glass




26) What’s the purpose of swirling wine in your glass?


A) To look fancy
B) To aerate the wine and release aromas
C) To mix it thoroughly
D) To cool it down



27) What’s the appropriate response if you dislike the wine served at dinner?


A) Compliment the effort and drink politely
B) Announce your dislike to the table
C) Refuse to drink it
D) Demand an alternative wine



28) You’ve received a gift of wine. What’s the best way to show gratitude?


A) Open it immediately and share
B) Thank the giver warmly
C) Complain it’s not your favourite type
D) Regift it



29. When pairing cheese with wine, which type of wine is the safest choice?


A) Sparkling wine
B) Heavy red wine
C) Sweet dessert wine
D) Light rosé



30) What’s a respectful way to suggest a wine for group dining?


A) Insist on your favourite
B) Ask everyone’s preferences
C) Choose the priciest option
D) Let someone else decide






Correct Answers: 


1) B – Request the sommelier’s advice.

2) B – Ask the host what type of wine they prefer.

3) C – Slightly chilled.

4) B – Quietly inform the sommelier or server.

5) B – By the stem.

6) B – Pouring too much, nearly to the rim.

7) C – Merlot.

8) B – Spit out after tasting.

9) D – All of the above.

10) B – Let the host decide whether to serve it.

11) B – 3–5 days.

12) B – To let the wine breathe and remove sediment.

13) A – Accept gratefully, regardless of your knowledge of wine.

14) C – Adding ice cubes.

15) A – Tilt the glass and pour slowly.

16) C – Riesling.

17) B – Offer to clean it up immediately.

18) B – Smell the wine.

19) C – 3–4 glasses.

20) B – Port.

21) B – Store it upright in a cool place.

22) B – Wait for the host to toast first.

23) C – Pinot Noir.

24) D – Any of the above.

25) B – A wide bowl-shaped glass.

26) B – To aerate the wine and release its aromas.

27) A – Compliment the effort and drink politely.

28) B – Thank the giver warmly.

29) A – Sparkling wine.

30) B – Ask everyone’s preferences.




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